In high school, my curiosity for technology drove me to enroll in STEM classes. Through the Information Technology Pathway, I was able to develop basic skills through the project-oriented coursework. Then, it was through Shidler that I learned about the management information systems major, which motivated me to pursue a career in data analytics. I am studying ITM 352 to learn about how information systems help with operational decision-making. As I’ve noticed the growth of cloud computing, technology is the key to business survival.
My life has been shaped by self-taught hobbies, from learning how to produce animations through YouTube tutorials to fixing my mom’s old industrial sewing machine. I discovered that I enjoy the rewarding feeling of solving problems after hours of struggle. This occurred in my past IT classes as well. I knew something was missing during my first two years of college, and it was not taking the first move toward becoming a MIS major.
While only understanding the surface of what MIS is about, I have never worked hands-on with IT in the context of business strategies. With this fascination, MIS is also paired well with my marketing major, since both involve gathering and analyzing data. Moreover, I aim to gain technical skills in this class to create access, solve problems, and produce web applications.